Who we are

The little carwash that does a big job!

High Point Car Wash is now operating under new ownership! We are a local, women owned business and are excited to provide a positive wash experience for our customers.

1. Information

Please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions pages for a review of our Service policies.

2. Location

We are currently operating one location on the North side of Bellefontaine, OH next to the intersection of US Route 33 and US Route 68.

Address: 1125 N. Main St, Bellefontaine OH. 43311

Directions: MAP

3. Hours

Open 24Hrs, 7 days a week

Carwash is heated but is programmed to shutdown automatically in extreme cold weather, below 10 degrees F.

4. Services

Fully automatic In-Bay Carwashes

Bay 1: PDQ Tandem ProTouch, Soft Touch Automatic, Payment by Cash or Credit card

Bay 2: PDQ 360 Lazer, No Touch Automatic, Payment by Cash or Credit Card

Vacuums available, $1, Payment by Quarters or Credit Card

Air Inflation (up to 60 PSI), $0.25, Payment by Quarters

Drinking Water, $0.25 / Gallon, Payment by Quarters

Vending: Cleaning products for auto

5. Owner

Jackie, I have been a member of the local community since 1992 and have enjoyed working and raising my family in Logan county.

Picture of owner, a Woman wearing a beige bucket hat and sweater, beautiful blue eyes and wonderful smile.
Car wash logo with 'High Point Car Wash Open 24 Hours' text

Contact us